There are many ways to pay. Pay online, by phone, Direct Debit or other payment methods. If you are having difficulty you can always call us on 0344 770 8030.
Pay online
Make an online debit card payment. If you wish to make a payment on behalf of a mortgage account holder, please call us on 0344 770 8030 and speak to an adviser.
We can only accept online payments using this service from mortgage account holders.
Our automated payment line and online payment service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you have a direct debit due to collect or re-collect on your account please call us on 0344 770 8030 and speak to an adviser.
Note: When making an Online Payment you will be asked for:
• Mortgage Account number
• Date of Birth
• Debit Card Details
Please note we only accept payments from:
• Your personal account
• Personal joint account
Debit/Switch Cards. We do NOT accept credit cards or Maestro.
Make Payment0344 770 8030
To make a payment by telephone, please call 0344 770 8030 and select option 1.
Our automated payment line and online payment service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Note: When making an Payment by Telephone you will be asked for:
• Mortgage Account number
• Date of Birth
• Debit Card Details
Please note we only accept payments from:
• Your personal account
• Personal joint account
• Debit/Switch Cards. We do NOT accept credit cards or Maestro
Direct Debit
To set up a new Direct Debit, please call us on 0344 770 8030 to arrange over the phone, or alternatively you can email us at ensuring you state your mortgage account number and your name. Dependent on the type of loan held (Residential or Buy to Let) different rules may apply.
We offer four payment dates on which Direct Debits can be set up, making it easier for you to align with your salary payments. The dates are 1st, 15th, 20th and the last working day of the month.
Foundation Home Loans bank account is under the name of:
Paratus AMC
Bank Details
Barclays Bank PLC, Broadgate, London
Sort Code: 20-19-90
Account number: 90877859
Always quote your mortgage account number in all payments as failure to do so will prevent us from crediting your loan.
*If you use an automated paying-in-terminal at your bank please always check that this facility will allow you to manually include your mortgage account loan number as the payment reference, otherwise we will be unable to allocate your payment to your mortgage which may result in arrears.
You can also pay by:
• Personal online banking
• Standing order
• Personal cheque
• Bankers' cheque
• Paying-in book
• Manual payment into Barclays Bank for the credit of our account*.
Non-business day payments
Non-business day payments:
Any payments made either at your bank, or using personal online banking, on a non-business day (ie. Saturday/Sunday or a Bank Holiday) will be allocated to your loan on the following business day which may fall into the following month if the payment is made on a weekend / bank holiday at the end of the month. With this in mind, please consider the possibility of incurring arrears fees when making your mortgage payments. This allocation process follows the standard UK banking rules for non-business day transfers.
If circumstances require that you make a non-business day payment and this falls at the end of the month, then payments can be made using either our online card payment website or using our automated telephone line on 0344 770 8030 and selecting option 1. Payments made using these facilities will be applied to your loan on the same day.
Business day payments:
Payments made on a business day are given same day value.