
Foundation Home Loans is committed to your needs through our service standards. However, should you feel unhappy with the service that we have provided, then please refer to our formal complaints procedure.

Complaints Procedure

Our complaints procedure is available to download or view here. 

Complaints Summary Data

Every six months we are required by the FCA to provide them with information relating to the complaints that have received and investigated. This data is then published both by the FCA, and us, on our website.

The table below provides a summary of complaints received and resolved by Paratus AMC Limited in the period 1 January to 30 June 2024.

Firm name: Paratus AMC Limited

Period covered in this report: 1 January – 30 June 2024

Brands covered: Foundation Home Loans

Product / service grouping

Number of complaints opened by volume of business

Number of complaints opened

Number of complaints closed

Percentage closed within 3 days

Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks

Percentage upheld

Main cause of complaints opened









Home Finance

14.45 per 1,000 accounts






















General Admin/ Customer Service









Insurance and pure protection







Advising selling and Arranging

*Insurance and pure protection complaints relate to Payment Protection Insurance and Buildings Insurance. We do not and have never provided PPI. We did not provide Buildings Insurance in 2023.

How to contact us if you have a concern

The simplest and quickest way to express your concern is to contact us, quoting your account number on 0344 770 8030 or email us at If you are unhappy with our response, you can pursue your complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service which can be contacted by post at Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR, by email at or by telephone on 0800 023 4567